Two Families. One Story.

Meet the Pereira and Silva Families

Santiago Pereira, his wife Daudencia, their one-year old son, and his mother were among many who watched as their homes were washed into the Timor Sea during massive floods this past April.
In much the same way, Manuel and his wife Antonia da Silva, and their 4 children in the remote village of Hera had their home utterly destroyed, and have been living with other family members.
For many weeks these families suffered as raging rivers and mud, made it far too difficult for aid to reach them. Their homes were originally located up on a riverbank like this one where mostly dry riverbeds meet, and lead out to the sea.

New Neighbors

Following the unusual April floods, it became apparent that an entirely new location would be best for their new homes.
With the blessing of village leaders, and provision of the Lord, and building supplies from S.O.W., both families are rejoicing, working alongside S.O.W. staff, and each other to build their new homes in a safe location. To God be the glory!




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